Queens Premises Liability Lawyer

Investing in real estate and property is a highly lucrative endeavor due to the return rate these types of properties can yield. However, it is not always that easy to invest our own investment property. Once you take ownership of a specific opportunity, there are various laws that have been put in place that require you to maintain the property as well as ensure the safety of the individuals surrounding it.

This simply means that the property owner must eliminate any property deficiencies as well as to conduct renovation to any areas that may possess a risk to individuals using the property or within close vicinity. If you have sustained an injury on a property that was in poor condition, it is essential to call a Queens premises liability lawyer to discuss your legal rights.

In the state of New York, property owners are liable for any damages that are due to negligence as the primary cause of an accident. However, many people are unsure if they will have the proof to hold up a premises liability claim. If you are in this situation, you must be able to not only prove your case but have a jury approve a specific amount of compensation in a court of law. If you are involved in a case dealing with premises liability, please call one of our professional personal injury attorneys in Queens today.

Various Common Premises Liability Cases

The attorneys of Cellino Law have years of experience dealing with premises liability cases including various insurance claims. Our highly skilled lawyers know exactly how to build a strong case when you have been involved in a situation dealing with a property hazard or any other type of accident for that matter. We have a skilled team of attorneys who are available to provide legal counsel for the following types of cases:

Slip And Fall Cases

If you were injured due to a slip and fall accident on another individual’s property, you do not need to worry about the severity of the injury sustained, as they are not important. When you have suffered any type of injury, our group of attorneys is able to provide you legal assistance for accidents that occurred due to the negligence of property owners. We will be able to help you deal with your accident regardless of whether it occurred residentially, industrially, or on commercial property. If you have experienced any type of a slip and fall accident, contact the offices of Cellino Law for professional assistance today.

Stair Accidents

Our group of attorneys also deal with cases that are involved in stair accidents. Were you injured due to a staircase that was not in the best of conditions? Or perhaps you suffered an accident due to faulty or bad lighting? Sustained any type of injury on a staircase, the property owner must be held liable for any injuries you suffered. Our efficient lawyers here at Cellino Law will help you to find legal recourse for your case.

A man with a knee injury after falling on a poorly maintained staircase.

Lead Poisoning

Unfortunately, there are many people who live in New York that have been exposed to lead. Lead is one of those elements that is extremely bad for one’s health. However, just about everybody in the city has had some form of lead exposure and poisoning, especially those that reside in rental units. There are many New York neighborhoods that still have lead paint and lead water pipes within them. If you or a family member has developed some form of a complication due to lead poisoning, it is essential to contact Cellino Law today for quality legal counseling.

Escalator Injuries

People use escalators throughout the city on a daily basis with no cause for alarm. However, this does not simply mean that escalators are an accident-free area as many people have sustained serious injuries due to escalator failure. There have been several incidences where people have had various body parts stuck or jammed into a moving part which has resulted in serious injury. If you have been involved in an accident due to escalator negligence, contact Cellino Law for legal advice today.

Elevator Accidents

Elevator accidents are more common than people would believe in New York. With this in mind, it is always best to use caution when using an elevator. It is absolutely essential that elevators are well maintained and serviced to ensure a safe working environment. However, if you did suffer any type of injury due to a malfunction in an elevator, contact us so we can work on your behalf.

Swimming Pool Accidents

An accident involving a swimming pool can be potentially fatal. We highly recommend any individual who has suffered injuries or damage due to a swimming pool accident seek out professional services for potential damages. We’ll take the time to thoroughly review your case and highlight any essential areas in which you should be compensated for.

Amusement Park Accidents

A day at the amusement park is supposed to be fun, however, accidents can and will happen. When these types of accidents happen, individuals are likely to sustain serious injuries. If you have been hurt in an amusement park accident, contact our lawyers today so we can begin building a solid case. It is essential that amusement parks are well maintained and serviced to help ensure the safety of individuals and avoid risky elements that can lead to serious injuries and fatalities.

Security Negligence

It is the absolute responsibility of the property owner to ensure the security of the property. Are you currently staying at a property where there is a consistent threat of sexual harassment, theft, robbery, assault, and more? In these types of situations, property owners are to be held liable for any damages or injuries that a victim may sustain due to these types of threats. It is also the responsibility of the property owner to have proper security measures in place to ensure the safety of all residents and visitors.

Airport Accidents

The attorneys of Cellino Law have received several complaints from individuals who had been hurt due to a dangerous or hazardous situation or condition at an airport. If you have been involved in this type of accident, we highly suggest that you contact us as quickly as possible. Our attorneys will begin filing a lawsuit on your behalf. We will provide legal counsel that is needed to ensure you take the correct steps to properly compensate for any injuries you sustained.

Hotel Accidents

Are you enjoying a quiet getaway at one of the gorgeous hotels in Queens, NY, only to suffer an injury? He suffered any type of an injury at a hotel, please contact us today and allow us to give you the proper guidance on what you need to do to build a proper claim for compensation on your injuries and damages. It is the duty of all hotel owners and managers to ensure that a hotel is well maintained and safe for all visitors.

Ceiling And Roof Collapse

While the cases that involve ceilings and roof collapses are generally not common, we are still available to fully assist you with any accident. Please contact our law firm as soon as possible for superior legal advice if you sustained any type of injury or damage due to a falling wall, roof, or ceiling. In these types of cases, the property owner will be held liable for damages if it is found out that the roof or ceiling had required previous repairs.

A lawyer filing a premises liability claim for a client in Queens.

Scalds And Burns

New York law states that all property owners are required to ensure that tenants have access to hot water. Additionally, the hot water temperature should never exceed more than 120°. When water temperature exceeds this limitation, individuals who use the water could experience burns or scalds. If the property owner did not use the correct equipment to ensure water temperature was under control, they can be held responsible for negligence.

Municipal Liability

As a particular clause that will provide you with a legal right to claim compensation if you have suffered an injury that the authorities own. However, if you plan to sue a municipality, one of the first steps that must be done is to file a “notice of claim” before a specific deadline. Typically, this will be 90 days from the date of the accident. If you are unable to file a claim within that specific deadline, the claim then becomes null and void.

Common Risks Often Associated With Premises Liability Claims

Any property that is not maintained can be dangerous to people living there in a variety of ways. New York statutes state that property owners must act in a responsible manner with their property, even if it is difficult to notice all specific hazards that could be associated with the property.

Below are some of the most common hazardous items on various properties:

  • Slip and Fall Hazards
  • Insufficient Security
  • Inadequate Maintenance and Property Management
  • Accumulation of Potentially Dangerous Items on Property
  • Structural Flaws Throughout the Building

If an accident should occur due to a dangerous condition, the owner may then become liable for any damages, injuries or harm caused due to the accident. However, it is important to understand that courts will require an investigation to be conducted about the accident in an effort to determine whether the owner may have been able to prevent the accident from happening initially. If the accident was a result of an issue on the property, the owner may be held liable.

Inadequate Security Measures

The attorneys of the law offices of Cellino Law have helped countless individuals obtain the compensation needed for specific security issues. Many people are unaware that they may be compensated due to the lack of security which may have led to injuries or other damages. However, there are laws in place that specifically ensure property owners are obliged to have proper security measures in place.

Typically, one must ascertain negligence involving security by determining potential crimes. Keep in mind, if it is the first criminal incident to occur on the property, the owner may have an upper hand as they were unable to avoid or anticipate a particular crime from occurring. One of the best ways possible in establishing property owner liability is to prove that they would have been aware due to other criminal actions that had occurred in the area but failed in the placement of property security measures to protect tenants and visitors alike.

There is a wide variety of measures that property owners can take in an effort to provide the proper amounts of security. These measures can ensure property security fences and gates, hiring of security guards as well as proper lighting and alarms throughout the property. In the vast majority of cases, it is easier to sue a property owner as opposed to the criminal perpetrator. This is due to the concealed identity of criminals, whereas a property owner will be much easier to find or locate.

How A Premises Liability Lawyer Will Prove Negligence In Queens

Queens is an extremely busy borough with people constantly on the move. If you have sustained an injury on another individual’s property, you do have the right to sue them and gain the compensation for damages and injuries you incurred. However, before you are able to receive compensation, you will need to prove the damages and injuries were due to a result of the negligent property owner.

An attorney must be able to show:

  • Aspects of the property were in poor condition at the time.
  • The property owner had sufficient time but failed to repair any of the property issues.
  • The property owner was fully aware of dangerous and potential hazards.

A man having an ankle injury treated by a medical professional.

It is highly likely that after an accident, the property owner is going to take significant action to cover up any evidence with quick fixes. The logic behind these types of actions is to remove any proof that showed negligence. This is why it is highly essential to take video or photographs of the defect as soon as possible as well as gather any essential information that will support your case.

Additionally, it is absolutely necessary to reach out to Cellino Law to help you deal with this form of an accident. We will start working on your case by helping in the gathering of all the evidence that will be needed. When we have everything in place, will file a claim and seek the compensation that you deserve.

What Type Of Damages Can Be Recovered From A Premises Liability Claim?

Our lawyers are fully aware of the types of issues that can arise from sustaining injuries from the negligence of another individual. Throughout your case, we will work hard to help you obtain the maximum compensation needed to regain your life. Below are just a few types of compensation that may be claimed in a premises liability case:

  • Lost Wages
  • Disability
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Medical Treatments
  • Emotional Suffering
  • Rehabilitation and Therapy Cost
  • Lifestyle Changes Due To Drastic Changes In Abilities

The amount that is awarded in these types of cases is highly dependent upon the severity of the injury sustained. Typically if the claimant only suffered minor injuries in an accident, the sum that will be awarded will usually cover medical treatments. However, when an individual suffers life-threatening or extensive injuries the figure will increase dramatically.

Who Can Be Held Accountable For Premises Liability Claims?

It is your right to claim compensation or take a property owner to court. However, if there is a company that manages a particular property, you may help them accountable for losses and injuries due to the accident. An example of this would be a company that is hired for the security of the building and an individual is attacked regardless. In this type of situation, the security company may be held liable for damages and injuries that were suffered due to the attack.

However, if an individual has sustained injuries due to their own personal negligence, they are unlikely to receive any form of compensation. It is important to know that the state of New York does take premises liability claims extremely seriously. If you are a victim, it is within your right to seek out compensation if you are able to prove negligence.

Contact A Queens Premises Liability Lawyer

If you have sustained any type of injury or damage due to the poor conditions or negligence of another individual’s property, it is your right to seek out compensation. You must contact a lawyer who has the professionalism and experience in handling premises liability cases. Please contact our Queens personal injury law firm at 888-888-8888 or use the online form to explain your case in-depth and will be back in touch.



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  • I am writing to let you know what an outstanding job George Gridelli did for me in my personal injury lawsuit. His professionalism and expertise were evident at our first metting and he and his paralegal Diane D'Andrea took care of me as if I was a friend and not merely a client. They both went above and beyond for me in so many ways that it would be too numerous to list and I am grateful to have had such an exemplary team represent me. When working with George and watching him in court he personified to me what a lawyer is supposed to be - an honest, extremely compentent man who helped guide me through the legal system. I could not have obtained better representation anywhere else at any price. To me that says a lot abut you and your firm's integrity. Thank you again for representing me and for having such stellar individuals working for you! I will continue to recommend your firm.


  • I want to thank your law firm for settling my lawsuit where others failed. You treated me with the utmost respect and care, because of your law firm the dream of owning my own home finally came true. For the first time in a long time, we're living out our dream home. Thank you a million times over. Thank you for making my dream come true.


  • Joe and I just wanted to send you this note thanking you for the professional way you handled our lawsuit. Your kindness was extremely appreciated in a very difficult time. When we found out the people that caused the accident had no insurance, we thought our chances of receiving any settlement was nonexistent. Once we met with you and released you were able to help us our minds were put at ease. Your aggressive manner of handling the case exceeded our expectations. Please feel free to use us as a reference. Thank you so much and best wishes,

    Danielle and Joe

  • Cellino Law is an amazing firm with a great team. I worked with Greg Pajak and his assistant, Tracey Falconer. I cannot express enough how dedicated they are. The personal attention I received was excellent; they were always available to help with questions and concerns and put me at ease in the unknown territory I found myself in. I highly recommend them to anyone needing representation. A huge thank you to them for all they accomplished for me!


  • Thank you for your efforts on my behalf. I am very pleased (and surprised) at the amount of the settlement. We will use the funds to help pay down the debt on the truck we had to purchase after ours was totaled. Thank you again.


  • This letter is to thank Ms. Diane D’Andrea, assistant to Mr. George Gridelli, Attny for all the hard work, dedication, and attentiveness she showed during the representation of my case. She was always cheerful and ready to help in whatever way she could. All messages left for Mr. Gridelli were always relayed and Mr. Gridelli always promptly returned our calls. She was a very competent assistant. Cellino Law has proven to be a model of what legal representation should be. Throughout the 6 ½ years of this case, I have heard many horror stories from people with “bad lawyer stories.” We consider ourselves to be very lucky to have chosen Cellino Law and will always recommend you to those looking for good, honest representation with a personal touch.
