What To Do If You’re Involved In A Boating Accident
Summertime is a great time for New Yorkers to get out on the water for boating, jet-skiing, kayaking, or other activities. Many people look forward…

What Are The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?
Riding on a motorcycle is a favorite summer pastime for some New Yorkers. But a sunny afternoon drive can soon turn disastrous in the event…

What is The Difference Between Class Action and Mass Tort Lawsuits?
Most people have heard of class action lawsuits, but what is a mass tort lawsuit? While both types of lawsuits involve numerous plaintiffs alleging similar…

5 Bicycle Safety Tips for Summer
Bicycling is one of the best ways to get exercise in the summer, but just like anything else, it comes with its own set of…

Do I Need Boat Insurance in New York?
If you own a motorboat, jet ski, or even a canoe, you want peace of mind when you’re out on the water. That’s where boat…

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents in New York are fairly common. According to a 2020 study completed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are…

What Is The Difference Between Whiplash And A Concussion?
Whiplash and concussions are two of the most common injuries after a car accident occurs. It may be difficult to self-diagnose, as both of these…

Can I File A Personal Injury Claim For A NYC Subway Accident?
Every day in NYC, thousands of people ride the subway to get around. Generally, the subway is a safe and reliable mode of transportation, but…

Can I Sue After Being Injured In A Rideshare Accident?
If you’ve been injured in a rideshare accident by an Uber or Lyft driver, then you can file a claim against them for your bodily…

5 Summer Driving Hazards and How To Avoid Them
Warm weather is here, which means that New Yorkers will be spending more time outside in parks, beaches, and on the roadways. While summer is…