Greenburgh Car Accident Lawyer

Speaking with an attorney should always be a part of your attempt to get compensation if you were in a car accident. Without the proper legal help getting full coverage for medical bills, property damage, and missed work time can be extremely difficult. Cellino Law offers free initial consultations, allowing you to speak with our Greenburgh car accident lawyers to determine if we can actually pursue getting compensation for you. Whether you were involved in a major accident or even a minor one, our legal advice can help you decide how to move forward.

Our lawyers are professionals that understand how to create the appropriate defense to protect your rights as the victim of a car accident. We will be with you every step of the way to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve, and more specifically, the maximum amount that you are legally able to get. We have a vast knowledge of the law and possess the skills and success rate necessary that sets us apart from the other law firms in New York. Call our Greenburgh injury firm today at (888) 888-8888.

Tips On Reporting A Car Accident In New York

It is required by law for the driver to report any accident in Greenburgh, NY, especially if it involved a fatality or any type of injury because of the accident. The individual that was responsible for the accident, the driver, needs to report it first. It is not always likely that they will do so, which is why it is best not to rely upon them making this choice.

When a property is damaged as a result of an accident, the at-fault driver needs to report the accident, even if the other driver that was involved is present. Accident damage reports, however, should never be made unless the damages will exceed $1000.

Within 10 days of the accident, the driver must make a report as well as a written statement about the incident itself. Injuries may prevent the driver from reporting the accident, yet there are no stipulations that are specific to when they should report the accident while they are recovering. It is recommended by all lawyers that reports be made as soon as possible, yet it should be done once the injured individual or party has fully or sufficiently recovered.

Information You Need To Get After A Car Accident

There is information that you should get immediately after an accident that can be very beneficial toward helping your case:

  • The exact location of the accident
  • Badge numbers and precinct, along with the names of officers, that responded to the accident
  • The driver’s license number, residential address, and the names of the drivers that were at the accident, along with their contact and insurance information.
  • The year, model, make, and license and registration of every vehicle at the accident

At Cellino Law, we are fully aware that expenses, including medical expenses, after a car accident, can make it very difficult for people to obtain this type of legal representation for personal injury cases. The legal expertise that we can provide is going to be provided at a no upfront cost which will typically make this affordable for every single person. We don’t ask for any fees until we receive compensation for the injuries you have sustained.

Our team of lawyers will work on a contingency basis, covering our own costs, until we have successfully obtained your compensation. This is called a contingency fee model and it is beneficial for the people that are injured as we will only obtain our fees after the compensation has been disbursed to you. Our attorneys will evaluate every single case on its own merit to determine whether or not it’s going to be successful.

Possible Compensation That You Can Receive After A Car Accident

Most personal injury compensation claims are built around the fact that someone has experienced a loss. Losses are either financial or non-economic. It is also possible to pursue punitive damages that will be available to victims at the car accident if it can be shown that misconduct or negligence was the reason the at-fault driver caused it to occur.

Call a Greenburgh car accident lawyer with Cellino Law to get the help you deserve.

Economic or financial claims for monetary reimbursement for losses and expenses can also be sought after for the following reasons:

  • Medical expenses which will include current medical costs related to the injuries and future costs
  • Loss of income
  • Damage to the vehicle or other types of property
  • Current future income loss plus the inability to earn a living wage

Non-Economic losses are only awarded in situations where there are serious injuries that are stated in the State Insurance Laws section 5102. These serious injuries include:

  • Bone fractures
  • The loss of a baby in utero
  • A physical disfigurement
  • Loss of bodily function of a bodily system or organ
  • The loss of a limb
  • Severe limitation to the functionality of a system or bodily organ

There are many cases where it is possible to pursue punitive damages for a personal injury claim. These can be noneconomic or economic, related to damages, and they involve the misconduct or negligence of the at-fault driver. This type of compensation is derived from a multiplication related to the compensation that will be received.

Overview Of The Statute Of Limitations For Car Accidents In New York

Damages that you have sustained are related to the claims that you are filing, but you must do so by a specified time. It is critical to work with attorneys in Greenburgh that can help you get this done.

For example, in New York, claims for damages must be filed against the defendant within seven days of the date when it occurred. The statute of limitations, meeting this deadline, is absolutely critical if you want to succeed.

Claims resulting from car accidents must be filed within three years of the date of the accident according to the statute of limitations. If this is against a government agency, the plaintiff or victim has only 90 days to file this claim.

Schedule A Free Consultation With A Greenburgh Car Accident Lawyer Today!

To get started with your claim it is critical that you contact a personal injury attorney in Greenburgh as soon as you can. Cellino Law in Greenburgh is here to help you pursue the compensation that you deserve for your injuries, loss of income, the damage to your car, and any other losses that were imposed upon you as a result of being in that accident.



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  • Now that reality has set in, I want to thank you for all your work and assistance in obtaining my settlement for the pelvic mesh. This money will make my life so much easier in the future. Medicare just isn't sufficient. I know that I will have enough to live on. I truly appreciate of your efforts. Thank you!


  • I really appreciated your determination and efforts on handling my case. You have done an outstanding job, and I am very satisfied with the outcome of the settlement. Thank you so so much John.


  • Thank you for your efforts on my behalf. I am very pleased (and surprised) at the amount of the settlement. We will use the funds to help pay down the debt on the truck we had to purchase after ours was totaled. Thank you again.


  • I am writing this letter to say how much I appreciate your services pertaining to my case. Your injury attorney took a hands-on approach and left me fully informed at all times as to where my case was going as well as how much ground we had to cover; leaving the final decisions in my hands but making sure that I knew all of the risks involved in the choices. I have dealt with a few law firms in my life on various different cases and this is the first time that I never had to call and/or track down my lawyer… because of this, I have and will continue to recommend Cellino Law to my friends and associates.


  • Tim Cellino handled my case beautifully. He is very knowledgeable and patient with all my questions. He kept in touch with me through out my ordeal. Tim also got a settlement for more than I expected. I highly recommend Tim Cellino!


  • Mark Kochanowicz is from far the best attorney you can have. Mark treats you like a friend more than a client. He truly cares and go the extra mile for you and your case, contacts you to update you in regards to your case and keep you informed at all times. Mark represented me twice and settled my cases for way more than I expected. I highly recommend Mark Kochanowicz because he is just the best on what he does!!! Thank you Mark!!!!
